04.19 2008


Brooke Inman + Leah Beeferman
opens Friday, June 6th
closing and artist talk June 28th

Space 1026 is pleased to present “Orbital Debris,” work by Brooke Inman and Leah Beeferman. Through drawing, their works constitute a pursuit of understanding and an exploration of the worlds we inhabit.

Brooke’s work focuses on revealing the complexity of the mundane, obsessing over the purchase of an IKEA couch (and other everyday decisions, such as what color spandex to wear). Her drawings disclose a constant reorganization of personal space and a persistent questioning of self — in which she is never satisfied with the answer.

Leah imagines the universe seen by a building NASA uses to track orbital debris. Her drawings are fraught with the task of giving architecture a symbolic life. Permanently stuck to the ground, yet constantly looking upward, this structure epitomizes the perseverance and limitations of imagination.

Each artist’s method of spatial exploration is unique and interminable. Driven by idealism and the desire for connection, both artists are perhaps only satisfied having found a practice that shows no visible beginning or end, one of infinite playfulness and possibility.

Brooke Inman (’08) and Leah Beeferman (’09) are allies from the Master of Fine Arts Department of Painting and Printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.

Brooke: brookeinman.com

Leah: www.inkbox.org

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